ICO Review : Multibot trading platform in the cloud being more easy
Hello buddy... welcome back with Cryptocurrency Diary.
in this time Cryptocurrency Diary wants to share about an Amazing ICO Project, this project is MULTIBOT. basically Multibot is a platform in the cloud. The growing world of cryptocurrency, the more emerging trading platforms. and one of them is Multibot, Multibot is one of the best among the others. Before we discuss more about this project, it would be nice, let's watch a short video, about the Multibot project.
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As we know it we live in a world where everything thrives and exists on the basis of information and renewal. It is also the value of the value chain that is driven by the community based on the addition and loss of income. The good news is on blockchain through the crypto market, a new trend has emerged. This trend is the future of fund security, management and conservation of all forms of loss.
This is a high return for platform usage. it is a Multibot platform. The platform that we should all be fun to hone. The event of occurrence is the reason for ensuring that all sequences of usefulness give a sign of superiority to all users. The user is the king of the Multibot structure. Everything that is created and enforced thrives on the user's essence and profit. This is the most relief of the trade and monitoring process.
The tremendous effect of trading impacts associated with monitoring and updating of functional controls makes the renaissance process follow. This is how Multibot expands and creates the maximum use of multi-function automated tools in a typical block environment. This is a platform created and used sequentially for all users and clients. It is heavily controlled by an algorithmic process. The algorithms designed into each tool make it easy for Multibot users to understand trading patterns, marginal trading processes, trading paradigms of profits and losses. This is the strong point that makes the most impact when trading. It is a mirror of profit and a reflective trading control.
Multibot tools help create a more functional way to reduce the risk of credit loss. This is the sequence to make the most impact when we consider the ability to use trading tools. Thus, all forms and units of Multibot structures and processes are engraved on functions followed by rigorous measures to reduce losses. Therefore, dealing with financial losses is a big challenge and this is not a funny scenario or scenario.

As humans we tend to avoid and most learn to avoid any kind of loss in our finances. It is handled with automation and reliability with the use of cloud technology. This is further standardized with multithreading input because crypto currency is very close to the merger of the Japanese and Chinese stock markets. This has helped in the definition of the structure of the system and how it can be useful for broad currency trading.
This trade is sorted with each user having an IP address and a different one. This is related to the electronic etherum wallet ECR20 that is distributed on many crypto coins through blockchain. The total inventory of the MBT token is twenty-five (25,000,000) million for all Multibot users, contributors and investment clients. This is a function to ensure all shared interests of the MBT award are shared equally for the user.
Hence, the ICO began on 20 October. Therefore, all investors and users are required to invest payments and returns that are maximized. This completes and creates a process for all exchange results. This is unique because in integrated Multibot currency exchange such as poloniex, bitstamp, bitfinex, btcc, bittrex, kcoin etc. through currency attribution.
This currency navigates the multibot platform for accessibility and easy exchange transactions. This is the norm of the multibot structure and has defined it uniquely. Therefore, the platforms work uniquely to earn optimal rewards and must be maintained in this way. This is continually repeated by the Multibot team. Thus, invest, enjoy, process, observe and multibot in blocks.
What is the Multibot token :
The Multibot token a.k.a. the MultiBot platform share, gives the right to participate in the profits of the company. All token holders are entitled to receiving dividends according to their shares. At the end of the ICO, 50% of the company's profits will be distributed among all sold tokens.
Pay out procedure : Every 3 months the profit will be converted and sent to the Ethereum wallet, from which it will be distributed to the wallets of Multibot tokens holders according to the conditions of the smart contract.
Reduction : MBT
All tokens : 25,000,000 (twenty five million) tokens
Regulation : Unsold tokens are burnt
Initial value of the token : Fixed - $1
ICO Structure
1. Open beta : December 2017
Auto-tools. Buying or selling by the condition, signals, and instruments of arbitration. Early access for investors.
2. Trade bot : January 2018
The most powerful tool - a multi-threaded trade bot with unique strategies.
3. More exchanges : March 2018
An extension of the supported major cryptocurrency exchanges, including the Japanese and Chinese stock exchanges
4. iOS & Android : May 2018
A mobile app for iOS and Android. A bot for popular messengers.
5. Subscription : June 2018
Access to advanced features through subscription. Rates from 0.01 BTC.
6. Customization : August 2018
A native designer of own strategy or a set of actions at the exchange.
What to do with MBT tokens?
Earn dividend or trade at the stock exchange
Every 3 months, 50% of the profit from the platform paid services are sent to the Ethereum wallet that contains the smart contract. Then ETH is redistributed proportionately between all holders of Multibot tokens in accordance with the conditions of the smart contract.
To receive dividends, MBT should be stored in an Ethereum wallet, which supports the ERC20-compliant token, for example, MyEtherWallet, Parity or Mist.
You can also trade MBT at exchanges, to which the token will be added after the ICO.
Platform for working with exchanges
Reliable automation of trading processes and monitoring the situation at the market of cryptocurrencies

Flexible functionality for automating the work with cryptocurrency exchanges.
Simultaneous work at several exchanges with a lot of currency pairs.
High stability thanks to the use of cloud technologies.
An independent work area for each client, with a separate IP address for API requests.
Thank you for reading the article about Multibot from Cryptocurrency Diary, i hope you are interested to join in this project.
For more information about this ICO Project, please visit the link below :
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