EIDOO - Your Blockchain Asset Experience

Hello everyone welcome back with me Argiyan.
in this time i will share a article to you about EIDOO.
oke Check This Out.!!
The current use of digital currencies such as bitcoin and etherium is already a lot and widespread, it's because society has become more open with technology that belongs to the blockbuster. In fact, today the digital currency is bitcoin and not only the etherium, but there are many other digital currencies, such as ripple, moner, dash, doge, and others. But there is one problem that arises more and more of its digital currency, the community must begin the turmoil to save the assets of its digital.
There are many assets, but also stored in a separate place, this will make us just kebingung and feel unpleasant. As not even digital mileage is scattered, even we ourselves do not know how, in fact, the total amount of our assets.
There is only one solution to this problem, namely the preservation of all assets in electronic form in a single container. But such containers should be safe and free from theft, and also have full access to the asset that we have. It is already actually solved with the presence of an exchanger, but we as users do not have full access, which means at any time in the asset our digital can be stolen.
To overcome this EIDOO was present as one of the solutions for those of you who want to save digital assets in one container, but still have full access, as well as protection against theft.
Understanding Blokchan Bl Blochein
himself is derived from two English words, namely a block and chain.
A block (field) is a limit to accommodate all the changes to the elements / operations that occur during the process.
Chain (Chain) - this record is continuously combined unique and PAZ whole stages, which consistently element / transaction.
Traditional banks record all financial transactions in the 'Big Book' (or 'book'). A few decades ago this Great Book in the form of the book end just berjalanannya will continue to accumulate and dusty will begin. This book contains reports on the financial operations of the Bank. Note-the transaction log is now created digitally due to the development of the era, but the Great Book is still owned and controlled by the bank.
Blocking is unique, because this is the Big Book, which, as a rule, is managed by one party, steel, on the contrary. The operation book entries publicly distribute and manage thousands of computers in the world at the same time and everyone could check out each. So transparency in Blokchan's technology will not need to be discussed.
For several years, even the last few months, people's enthusiasm for the Crypto currency and blockchain technology is rapidly developing and the development of the menapai record. A wide range of business models using this technology are offered by various developers and enterprises. But the main problem that this technology faces is too complex use of this technology for the general public. So now the use of this technology remains limited only to Crypto enthusiasts or those who knowingly want to learn more and learn how to use it. The problem is that the focus with the Eidoo command should be resolved soon, so there will be more people who can feel and use blockchain technologies.
Eidoo project is the first project that worldwide is developing an interface for Bladechane technology, which is an efficient and effective way to simplify the interaction between users and the assets of Blockshell, of course, without compromising the main advantages of this technology. The results of the development of this project are products and services with a display that is easy to understand, uniform, intuitive and easy to use.
Eidoo purse right in the middle of the Eidoo project (Eidoo purse can be downloaded from the Play store). Eidoo's purse will continue to evolve, so that it can be used to store or exchange pumas various forms based on digital blocking assets and of course can be used anywhere because it can be easily installed in the smartphone. This ease is not only to forget about the security function, because security remains the standard in the development of this project.
The exchange system is not integrated ernah requires the intervention of a third party, which allows the presence of consumer losses due to system errors, such as errors, hacking or scam. This is possible because with the help of blockchain technology, the deal between the buyer and the seller will be, when this also, where the money in this case is in digital form, will immediately move from the purse buyer to the purse of the seller. In its development, Eidoo's purse will be integrated into debit cards, so that the user can replenish their debit cards with redeem their digital assets directly through the smartphone screen.
Interesting technology is not it?
Eidoo not only learn new technologies in the process of their acquaintance will continue to strive to improve existing technologies, so that it becomes more secure and more simple. Eidoo want to overcome the complexity of the world Crypto by the public, which until this day is still very far to be compared.
What is EIDOO?
EIDOO is a new breakthrough in the storage of digital assets, where you can store all assets digitally in one container named Eidoo purse. Eidoo wallet will be formed a mobile application that will allow you to save and send the digital asset that you have. Eidoo Wallet is also equipped with a high level of security, which allows users to safely store their assets.

With the eidoo application, you can manage the assets digitally in full, because it happens using a private key. In fact, not only to send and save all Digital assets, you can also use the mobile eidoo purse application for things you never did before in a single container
Why Should You Use Eidoo?
- Exchange of electronic currency with a digital currency
- Exchange of centralized or [fiat currency with digital currency]
- With eidoo, you automatically have a purse in the digital asset ERC-20
- You can use the eidoo application for the service when you contribute to the sale of tokens.
- Eidoo will be equipped with a debit card
- The market is decentralized
- Excess eidoo application

As a first step, you can try using the mobile eidoo purse app on your mobile phone. And there will be 2 versions for the eidoo application, iOS and Android. You can try to download the application below. You should also understand that for Android OS users you must be in the top 5 or more.
View Eidoo Ticket Sales
They announced that they would make the sale of tokens on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Sales of eidoo markers are completely different projects that exist now. Eidoo is one of the companies that have products that were launched before the sale of the chips. So you can do a review if the product is really eidoo worth as a container for storing your digital assets.
When you download the eidoo application, directly you can also berkontibusi in the sale of your tokens at the moment. The markers used by eidoo are a marker based on the ethereal secure is the standard black-20 marker. Next item on sale is eidoo tokens.
Detail of ICO Eidoo
Project Name Eidoo Wallet
Name Eidoo Marker
Start ICO October 4, 2017
End of ICO October 16, 2017
Number of tokens 100,000,000 Eidoo marker
Number of marker sales 20,000,000 Eidoo marker
The token price is 1 ETH = 130 Eidoo or 2.30 $ / Eidoo
Ethereum Shopping Method
Mostly the sale of the tokens will however finish on October 16, 2017, if the marker is 20.000.000 exhausted, then the ICO will be finished. If there is a marker that has not been sold the marker will be in fuel.
The Eidoo command
For those of you who want to learn more clearly about the Eidoo project, you can read in his article. And to request you can contact some of the contacts listed below.
Thanks for read my article and i hope you can participate in this project.
For more information Visit Link Below :
Posted By : Argiyan.Tri
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